Town of Chichester, NH 

Cemetery Trustees' meeting

 July 25, 2022 

July 25, 2022 @ 9:15 a.m. the Cemetery Trustees met at the Historical Society building. Ruth Hammen, Fred Shaw and Brenda Boswak were in attendance.

Old Business 

July 21, 2022, Bob Perry from Topographix LLC, along with Fred and Ruth, visited True Cemetery, Knowlton-Edgerly Cemetery and Perkins-Maxfield Cemetery to perform ground penetrating radar services. As a result of the process, the probability of 12 unmarked gravesites were discovered in True Cemetery. Ruthie proposed placing field stones to mark these gravesites. This confirms to us there is no available space for selling lots in this cemetery. The radar equipment confirmed no apparent burials in the north corner of Perkins-Maxfield Cemetery. We have had a request to purchase a burial lot there. The radar done at Knowlton-Edgerly Cemetery confirms the availability of an open area for the purchase of burial lots. We need to make some accurate measurements of the area and determine how many lots we could make available. We have had another request to purchase a burial lot there. 

New Business 

Brenda received more estimates for gravestone repairs in Leavitt Cemetery, Brown Cemetery and Batchelder Cemetery.  After discussion to prioritize which damaged stones to tackle first, we then agreed to contact Don Cotnoir, from New Hampshire Monuments in Pembroke, NH to perform the repairs. Don also gave a price for granite, lot cornerstones. His price is lower than what Perry Bros. is currently charging. We drafted a letter to the Selectmen of Chichester, requesting a transfer of funds from the Cemetery Capital Reserve Trust Fund to pay for the ground penetrating radar service and two gravestone repairs that will cost more than $1,000 each.  Ruthie will submit this to Jodi Pinard. We still have some left in our 2022 budget and may be able to repair some less expensive gravestones also. 

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, 

Brenda Boswak, Cemetery Trustee, Secretary